Oddný Kristjánsdóttir hefur lokið námi frá fataiðndeild Iðnskólans í Reykjavík í klæðskurði og hefur meistararéttindi í sínu fagi. Oddný hefur undanfarin ár starfað sem leiðbeinandi á námskeiðum Heimilisiðnaðarskólans í þjóðbúningasaum ásamt ýmsum öðrum verkefnum viðkomandi íslenska þjóðbúningnum bæði sjálfstætt og í samstarfi við skólann. Í kjölfarið hefur skapast töluverð sérþekking sem Þjóðbúningastofa 7ÍHÖGGI ehf. vill miðla sem best til viðskiptavina sinna.
Oddný Kristjánsdóttir is a professional tailor who completed a master program in tailoring at the Reykjavík School of Technology (Iðnskólinn í Reykjavík) in 1990.
Since 1994 she has been an instructor in the construction of Icelandic national costumes at the Icelandic Handicrafts Association’s School. Her overall knowledge of the various national costumes has been enhanced by projects and exhibitions related to Icelandic national dress both independently and in conjunction with the Handicrafts Association. She has worked for many of the museums in Iceland, restoring old costumes for exhibitions as well as making new costumes for the staff and has run her own tailoring shop for the past 16 years. In addition, Oddný was a member of the Icelandic National Costumes Committee, 2005 – 2009.
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